The Waitangi and Oromahoe study began with a survey of its members. A co-designed and produced effort, the survey was the first step towards the creation of a Kāinga Plan.

The Waitangi and Oromahoe community survey was completed in early 2024. 138 Surveys were gathered using online capable devices (computers, tablets and phones) and printed copies of the surveys. Surveys collected at Oromāhoe, Waitangi hui (111) and distribution to Auckland whanau (27). The survey data has been analysed and converted into a report for the community and project team. Stephen McTaggart focused on the quantitative material, and Hirini focused on the qualitative aspects. Proportional analyses and area-based comparisons have also been completed. The purpose of the report is to present data in a usable form. The survey report will be released in early 2025.