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Tepora Davies Graduates with PhD

PhD Graduate Tepora Davies walked across the stage this week graduating with a PhD. Her research investigates the relationships and any existing interrelationships between kura, kāinga and marae in Taitokerau/Northland relating to food systems.

Deborah (Tepora) completed her PhD at Otago long distance. She was supervised by Merata, Paora and Hirini.

Deborah's research examined the relationships, and any existing interrelationships, between kura, kāinga and marae in Taitokerau/Northland and from that perspective, to understand and elucidate the innovation opportunities and challenges relating to emerging food systems. Her research is a study within two Māori kin communities where innovation and food systems can be at the core of reclaiming and advancing a sustainable growth kaupapa/purpose that has oranga (wellbeing, wellness) of people, lands and water, at its heart. Schools/kura may play a significant role in these regards. With an environment impacted by challenging climate conditions, and also the effects of Covid-19, food production and sustainability are underpinning aspects of this research project.

Deborah has over 20 years teaching experience. Her Masters study explored the implementation of the Garden to Table programme in New Zealand schools.

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