Around the world Indigenous peoples are actively engaged in finding actionable solutions in response to climate change to ensure the survival and flourishing of our planet, places and peoples. IICCRS 13-17 November 2023 is an International Indigenous-led online gathering designed to amplify Indigenous voices, ideas and actionable solutions.
Project Kāinga ran four presentations at the International Indigenous Climate Change Research Summit
District Plans: Presenting a view of rangatiratanga and climate change in local government (Merata Kawharu & Paratene Tane). Abstract & Presentation. Paper 29.
Kāinga in Crisis: Developing Kāinga Adaption Plans (Paora Tapsell & Merata Kawharu). Abstract & Presentation Paper 32.
Challenges and Solutions to Changing Tides (Hone Winder-Murray & Anne Billing representing Te Rereatukāhia marae/papakāinga). Abstract & Presentation. Paper 33.
Responding to climate change challenges from the ground up: what our people are telling us, in the (Merata Kawharu, Paratene Tane, Ngatikawa Taituha, Stephen McTaggart).Abstract & Presentation.Paper 39.
Community-led dissemination of the Karetu Kāinga Plan at the International Indigenous Conference led to publication in Landscape Magazine (online and in print) leading to further international recognition of the central role of Kāinga for understanding, mitigating, and adapting to a changing climate.