Tautoro hapū and the Te Whata whānau hosted the final 2023 Project Kāinga leaders hui. The workshop aimed to foster meaningful discussions and make substantial progress on kāinga plans for climate adaptation.

On the 2nd of December, Tautoro hapū and the Te Whata whānau hosted the final 2023 Project Kāinga leaders hui. The workshop aimed to foster meaningful discussions and make substantial progress on kāinga plans for climate adaptation. It was an opportunity to share developments and directions across the multiple kāinga. 27 community, team members and researchers participated.
The hui was led by kaumatua Vic Te Whata and Raaniera Te Whata. The hui covered:
Small Group Discussions on Kāinga Plans - This session focused on kaīnga plan progress updates
Travel to Te Mātā for puna visit - Matua Vic and Raaniera detailed the importance of the freshwater spring to the hapū, its tenure and alienation through the Public Works Act, and the on-going concerns and pathways for its protection.
Visit to Roto Kereru and the surrounding native forest - the hui then took us across the neighbouring farm to the peak of the maunga Tauanui, which overlooks their ancestral lake Kereu. Matua Vic and Raaniera outlines the nature of the hapū relationship to the lake, its history and whakapapa, as well as hapū aspirations for their lake and maunga.
The day concluded with a return to homestead for continued kāinga plan discussions.