Cawtron Institute (Anaru Luke), Motu (Rangimarie Aperahama), Takarangi Research (Tapsell, Tane) and Te Rereatukahia community leaders organised/led high level Māori values workshop hui for IRO executives and senior researchers (IRANZ) at Rereatukāhia marae. Particular focus on Te Tiriti and climate change associated responsibilities regarding ethical engagement of marae communities as research partners.

Independent Researchers Association of New Zealand or IRANZ, are a collective of major independent research organisations from across Aotearoa. In October 2023, IRANZ attend a Noho Marae at Te Rereatukāhia. This event was focused on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and developing best practice guidelines of EDI in the research and innovation sector of Aotearoa.
Whānau had the opportunity to share their experiences of life at Te Rereatukāhia with attendees. This included kōreo about feelings of being excluded from the wider community and the projected impacts of climate change and sea-level rise.