Oromahoe and Waitangi hapū along with wider community members came together at the Oromahoe marae on Saturday 27th May to develop their first Kainga Climate Change Adaptation Plan.

Oromahoe and Waitangi hapū along with wider community members came together at the Oromahoe marae on Saturday 27th May to develop their first Kainga Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
This is the first of 3 planned hui this year (the next being 15th July and another later in the year) where the community will be working on identifying goals and actions for sections of the plan relating to the marae, homes, freshwater, forests and land. The hui also heard key survey findings on kainga and climate change. Dozens of the hapu members participated in the survey run throughout 2021 and 2022. It was an great day with people sharing many important ideas for helping our community to become more resilient. Everyone recognised the importance of the mahi because we are already dealing with the effects of climate change now as we are seeing with the latest storms and flooding.