Project kāinga headed to Oromahoe, in Tai Tokerau, 'home' to two of the Project Kāinga members. This hui was lead by haukāinga and supported by our team.

On April 17th, 2021, Project kāinga headed to Oromahoe, in Tai Tokerau, 'home' to two of the Project Kāinga members. This hui was lead by haukāinga and supported by our team. It kicked of with a whakatau by kaumātua Renata Tane, and keynote matauranga and maramataka expert Rereata Makiha.

The hui also marked the launch of the Project Kāinga community survey of Waitangi and Oromahoe, Northland/Tai Tokerau. Following months of community co-design, the team has collectively produced a questionnaire on the themes of land, water, energy, housing, food, transport as they relate to climate change. Whānau contributed almost 50 survey responses to this kaupapa which will form the backbone to a kāinga plan which aims to guide improved responses to the challenges of climate change.
The day also featured contributions from Tepora Davies (supported by Lucy Matehaere and Piere Kawharu-Tapsell) who guided Ttaitamariki through science, biodiversity surveys and games.