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Hui: Hau Kāinga Enviro-Hui 2: Waitangi

In July we returned to Tai Tokerau for the Hapū Enviro Hui, this time hosted in Waitangi. Our team called for further participation in the Oromahoe/Waitangi kāinga survey roll out, a report back to haukainga on preliminary findings, and a forum on water issues facing the community.

On the 3rd to the 5th of July we returned to Tai Tokerau for the second Haukāinga Enviro Hui, this time hosted at Waitangi marae. The hui was lead by hau kāinga, and supported by Project Kāinga members. Over 50 whānau members were in attendance for this follow up hui focused on themes concerning matauranga, water, ecology, Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti Kawa landscapes (amongst other things) as they relate to the climate.

The hui began with exponent Tohe Ashby retelling his matauranga engagement in the Kauri Ora project. This kaupapa reconnects the whakapapa of the Kauri with the Parāoa (sperm whale) to overcome microscopic fungus-like organism (Phytophthora agathidicida - commonly referred to as Kauri dieback). The next session built on the first Haukāinga Enviro Hui in Oromahoe, Project Kāinga team members Stephen McTaggart and Hirini Tane offered preliminary findings of the first round of our haukāinga survey. A further cohort were also invited to contribute their whakaaro at this time. This was immediately followed by a forum on water concerns and aspirations from the floor.

The forum was a great segue into esteemed water ecologist Russell Death's presentation on river health measures, water policy, science and common sense testing. At the same time, Tepora taught taitamariki how to make their own ice-cream and super efficient vege gardens. The day continued with a site visit into the Waitangi forest - exploring Pā, wetlands, and biodiversity monitoring areas. This was supplemented with kōroro, whakapapa, remote sensing tech and water testing kits.

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