Te Rereatukahia marae was the venue for Project Kāinga's capstone Kāinga Leaders hui. The hui was primarily to share, and offer feedback on the development of the kāinga plans.

Te Rereatukahia marae was the venue for Project Kāinga's capstone Kāinga Leaders hui. The hui was primarily to share, and offer feedback on the development of the kāinga plans.The main session was split up across the multiple kāinga involved in the project.

Merata, Ngāti Kāwa and Hirini spoke to the progress of the Waitangi/Oromahoe kāinga plan. The plan detailed research, community views and goals pertaining to: whenua, waterways, coast, The plan’s length was discussed. It was suggested that we consider shortening the plans length, to assist the comprehension and utility and for hapū members/leadership. The length may be a barrier to hapū members engaging with it. Brevity may also enhance Council engagement. The challenge will be to maintain the conciseness/brevity of the plan without compromising its technical and scientific weight.
While other communities’ Kāinga Plans are near completed, Tumunui faced challenges engaging a descendant population. Its key focus included: ngahere, waterways, pest threats, and nearby pipeline development at Rotokakahi. It subsequently has stepped away from a climate change trajectory and will be a very useful Māori land case study regarding the difficulty of engaging descendant communities of farming incorporations and land trusts based on share ownership.
Te Rereatukahia
Anne, Hone and Paora spoke to the progress of Te Rereatukahia's kāinga plan.The document comprehensively covers a wide range of climate related topics and impacts of the community in clear succinct summary sections. It draws on surveys of the community itself as well as specialist data provided by external research/science agencies and both the Regional and local council. Collaboration with local councils (BOPRC & WBOPDC) is a major breakthrough with whom Te Rereatukāhia leadership is proactively engaging for the first time since Raupatū. Key themes covered in the plan include:

Sealevel rise - monitoring
River flooding - monitoring
Impact on people
Council land acquisitions
Land use change (pre/post disposession)
Social political overlay
Current community state - future aspirations
5th survey scope - vision/100year: consisting of 25-year breakdowns
connectivity to Hapū Management Plan, Annual District plan
Hui wrapped up with a visit to the Sapphire Springs to view parts of Ngāi Tamawhariua's ancestral landscape, and potental future land aspirations.Following which, the team shared a meal at Mehlab Indian Restaurant, before returning to the marae to sleep.