Tumunui in the Bay of Plenty is a large Māori land trust. The 2000+ha Tumunui estate was part of a much larger parent block, Rotomahana Parakairangi comprising over 100,000 ha. The block was subdivided by the Crown (NLC) in the 1880-1890s and allocated to the numerous kin groups of Te Arawa.
Tumunui is today a complex farming operation with abundant waterways, mixed grazing and plantation forestry. The 3000+ descendant shareholders have a combined asset wealth in the many millions. Tumunui is not closely affiliated with any particular marae with the majority of shareholders living away, only meeting as a community at the Tumunui annual general meeting. Nevertheless, Tumunui is also having to respond to a changing climate, especially deteriorating waterway quality, hillside erosion and a devastating pest invasion of its native forests.
