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Waitangi | Oromahoe

Waitangi is a small coastal settlement in Northland. Waitangi is home to hapū Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti Kawa of Ngāpuhi. The community affiliate with the maunga Pouerua, with Lake Owhareiti and the Waitangi River.


Oromahoe is a small inland settlement straddling State Highway 10 in Northland, 15 minutes inland from Waitangi. Oromahoe share the hapū of Ngāti Rāhiri and Kawa (among others Te Whānau Rara, Matarahurahu, Ngare Hauata).

Alongside hapū, the Project Kāinga team have co-designed a wānanga questionnaire to gather information that will contribute towards the development of a best practice sustainable model to improve Oromahoe, Waitangi and their natural environment. Results will help to create a Kainga Plan that will help to foster the holistic wellbeing of Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti Kawa within a changing climate.


Waitangi | Oromahoe

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